
Committee papers

Protocol for Committees in Common

This document outlines the protocols involved in the Improving Healthcare Together Commitees in Common meetings, including who can attend and how to ask questions. This document…

Committee papers

Committees in Common – Agenda

Improving Healthcare Together 2020 to 2030 (IHT) Committees in Common agenda for the meeting due to be held on Monday, 6th January 2020, from 11:00 – 13:00.

Committee papers Reports

Pre-Consultation Business Case (PCBC)

The purpose of this pre-consultation business case is to: 1. Describe the health needs of our combined geographies and set out the case for change: The…

Committee papers

Paper 3 – Consultation plan

The purpose of this draft document is to describe Merton, Sutton and Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) approach to communications and public consultation for reaching out to…

Committee papers

Paper 3.a – Summary consultation document

This document is a draft of the summary consultation document that has been produced and would be available online and in paper format during consultation. This…
