Full consultation document

Read the full details of proposals presented as part of this public consultation. We are consulting on our proposal to invest in both Epsom and St Helier hospitals and build a new specialist emergency care hospital which could be located at Epsom, St Helier or Sutton hospital.

The consultation is being led by NHS Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS Sutton Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Merton Clinical Commissioning Group. They are responsible for planning local healthcare services. The consultation is taking place over 12 weeks starting on 8 January 2020. It will finish on 1 April 2020.

This document sets out:

  1. What is this consultation about?
  2. Who we are
  3. Why change is needed
  4. What we are proposing
  5. What these changes would mean
  6. What people have told us
  7. Assessing the shortlist of options
  8. Further evidence
  9. Summary of options
  10. Our preferred option
  11. Timetable
  12. Glossary
  13. Questionnaire

If you would like this document in a different format or another language, call (02038 800 271) (24-hour answer machine) or email us at hello@improvinghealthcaretogether.org.uk.

The summary consultation document is also available, together with the easy-to-read version of the summary. Remember to fill in the questionnaire to share your thoughts on the proposals.

The Improving Healthcare Together consultation finished on 1st April 2020. Thank you to everyone who responded in person, online, through social media and by phone and letter.

Click here to read the independent analysis of feedback from consultation report.


07 Jan 2020
Consultation document
1.06 MB