Improving Healthcare Together stakeholder briefing document

The purpose of this stakeholder briefing is to update on our ongoing process and current thinking following the submission of the updated draft pre-consultation business case (PCBC) to NHS England for assurance.

We are not releasing the updated draft PCBC document at this time as we intend to do this when we have received national feedback and assurance signalling that we can move to consultation with the public.

The stakeholder briefing explains what we have been doing and our current thinking. It is not a consultation document. The evidence and position set out in this briefing is subject to change as further evidence is developed and assurance by NHS England takes place. In particular, this briefing does not include detailed underlying financial information, as this is subject to assurance and regulatory oversight and is therefore not appropriate to publish at this stage. The non-financial evidence we have published to date is available on our website.

No decisions about any changes to services will be made until after a full public consultation has taken place and all of the information – including, for example, any feedback from a formal public consultation and the final Integrated Impact Assessment – has been considered by the CCGs.

Stakeholder briefing document

29 Jul 2019
Briefing document
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