Equalities Engagement Report December 2018

Improving Healthcare Together 2020 – 2030 Equalities report

This report details the impact of options for future critical care at Epsom and St Helier on different equality groups gathered by the Improving Healthcare Together 2020 – 2030 programme team.

Evidence was gathered by working through local support groups across Sutton, Merton and Surrey Downs to reach potentially impacted equality communities.

An Easy Read version of the Issues Paper and animation video was used to engage service users in small group discussions plus one-to-one interviews. This generated detailed, in-depth feedback concerning the service proposals. This information was supplemented by invaluable feedback also provided by carers and group co-ordinators present during discussions. The appendices to this report capture the detailed feedback gathered by the programme team.

In addition to the engagement undertaken by the programme team, Healthwatch and an independent engagement consultancy (Traverse) were also commissioned to secure the views of equality groups and deprived communities.