
The Improving Healthcare Together consultation finished on 1st April 2020. Thank you to everyone who responded in person, online, through social media and by phone and letter.

Click here to read the independent analysis of feedback from consultation report.

We know it is important to keep you updated, especially when you have taken the time to share your thoughts and views with us. The feedback from the consultation will be independently analysed by Opinion Research Services and a report will  be produced and published on our website. We will share the report with stakeholders, including with the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, so they can give their comments. The CCGs will consider these comments, the report on the consultation and the final integrated impact assessment LINK IIA before making any recommendations and decisions.

No personal information will be released when reporting statistical data and data will be protected and stored securely in line with data protection rules. This information will be kept confidential.

Read about how we are keeping your consultation information private.

Making a decision

The three CCGs’ joint committee, known as the ‘Improving Healthcare Together Committees in Common’ is where the CCGs’ leaders come together to agree proposals and make decisions about how Epsom and St Helier hospital services might change in the future. The meeting to make any decisions will be held in public and will consider all of the evidence and the consultation report.

Decision making timeline

Next > We want to know what you think


  • Summary consultation document
    Read the summary of proposals presented as part of this public consultation. We are consulting…
  • Full consultation document
    Read the full details of proposals presented as part of this public consultation. We are…
  • Questionnaire
    The Improving Healthcare Together consultation finished on 1st April 2020. Thank you to everyone who…