Money on its own will not address the problems we are facing. This is not just about money. Staying as we are is not an option….
Why can’t you just ask the Government for more money so that we can keep our two A&Es?
The main reason we need to change our hospital services is to make sure high quality, safe services are provided for all patients for the long…
What is an urgent treatment centre?
An Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) provides care and treatment for illnesses and injuries that are not life or limb-threatening but require urgent attention. Examples of this…
How will I know whether to go to my local UTC or to the Emergency Department?
The Emergency Department would be based at the specialist emergency care centre and provide care for patients in a life or limb-threatening situation. The UTC at…
Who decides what an urgent care case is and what’s emergency care?
If you walk in to an UTC and have a condition that requires emergency care, or in the unlikely event that you became critically unwell in…
What will happen if I arrive at an UTC and I need emergency care?
If a seriously ill patient arrived at an UTC or in the unlikely event that a patient became critically unwell in the centre, they would be…
Given the difficulties experienced in the local recruitment of doctors and nurses to work in urgent/emergency care, how do the CCGs anticipate that the hospitals will fill posts in the UTCs?
The biggest area where recruitment of staff is hardest is for A&E consultants and senior doctors in training which includes A&E middle grade doctors. These will…
Who will staff the UTCs and what qualifications and experience will they have?
The UTCs will be staffed by highly skilled senior health professionals who are specifically trained to deliver urgent care for adults and children. This will include…
Is it the case that the proposed UTCs will be run by a private company?
No. The UTCs will be run by Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust.
How would I be treated in an emergency?
Our proposed changes to the way we deliver emergency care would mean that, in a life or limb-threatening emergency, patients from Surrey Downs, Sutton and Merton…