We have modelled the flows to each of the surrounding six hospitals to Epsom and St Helier hospitals based on travel times to the nearest appropriate…
Why are you spending in the region of £500 million of public money to change our hospitals?
In order to secure the future of both Epsom and St Helier hospitals, we need make changes and this costs money. The hospitals were built many…
What will the money be spent on?
Both our existing hospital sites were built many years ago. Although we have invested in some new buildings in recent years, we now have many out-dated…
How are you going to pay for it?
Patients and the public can be assured that all of the options are affordable and sufficient funding is available from the government to deliver the options…
We are told that the NHS does not have money to waste so why would we spend more than we need locating the specialist emergency care hospital at Sutton rather than at Epsom or St Helier?
As part of the options development process, a financial appraisal was carried out on all three options. Although the option of locating the new specialist emergency…
What happens after the consultation has finished?
All feedback from the public consultation and any new evidence will be analysed and collated by an independent company called Opinion Research Services. The report will…
What are the benefits of having a specialist emergency care hospital?
There are lots of benefits to having a single dedicated a specialist emergency care hospital. It would mean that: Patients are seen quicker by a variety…
Will Opinion Research Services pass any comments that might be relevant directly to the CCGs or will they filter them out?
All comments from the surveys, letters and other correspondence will be passed to the Improving Healthcare Together team with no information filtered out.
When will the consultation findings be made public?
The consultation findings report will be published within three months of the consultation closing.
What if the majority of people who responded to the consultation chose one option? Will you go with that option?
The consultation is not a vote, it is about listening to what people think about our proposals and the impact that any of the options would…